Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe that Christmas is only 4 days away. This whole season has gone by way to fast I love this time of year and wish it would stick around for a couple more weeks. I feel so blessed this Christmas season to have such wonderful family to spend it with. It has been such an amazing year one that I will never forget. I am so thankful for my sweet husband and baby tripp I love them both so much. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and for his sacrifice that we may be an Eternal Family. I hope that everyone may have a happy and safe Christmas.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All in a day's work!

In just the past two weeks Tripp has changed so much. He is getting so big and is all over the place. It is so much fun to watch him learn different things. Here are just a few things that he has learned to do. He is crawling all over the place and I have to watch him like a hawk. He is into anything and everything and puts everything into his mouth. He is learning to go up and down the stairs right now, he can go all the way up but isn't sure he likes to go back down them. We will get to the top and he looks at me and laughs like I am not going to do it. I don't know if life can get any funner. Oh!! I just love my little boy!

One word- Trouble ( but oh so cute)
Getting so good at crawling.
His new favorite thing to do- Trash the movies
learned that he can now open cupboards.
Stuck under the table hasn't learned to duck his head yet.

Tripp's first haircut!!

Tripp just had his first haircut from his Auntie Kate. It actually went really good. He was loving it he got to be naked and get a sucker and rub it all over him self. Could it get any better?

This is before. I don't know if you can tell but it was REALLY REALLY long.
He started off sitting on the sink....
then he thought he would just slide right in.
I think he liked it, don't you? ( you can't really tell but he was sticky everywhere). Haha so cute!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Christmas Cards!!!

I was just on facebook when I ran across this promotion that shutterfly is having. I have heard of them before and just love what they do. They have the cutest Christmas Cards ever, and I can't wait to send out some of my own. I have never done Christmas Cards before, I was waiting till I had a little one to make them that much cuter. So now that I do I will definitely be using Shutterfly. You need to check them out, they have great stuff. Here is just a few cards that I love.

Aren't they the cutest. I just love them.Check them out at They also do several different things here are some of the links to check those out.
So right now the promotion is that you can recieve 50 free Holiday cards just by posting something on your blog. Easy huh? So just go to for all the details. Happy blogging!!

Happy Hauntings!

Here are some pictures from this weekend. We had a great Halloween and had so much fun with our little Tripp. He actually didn't mind wearing his costume I was really surprised. I showed him self in the mirror and I knew he liked what he saw. Hehe he is so adorable. I just can't get enough.

Me and Chel- We were cats! :)
Captain, Mimi and Tripp

Garr with all the babies.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fun Fun Fun

We just got back from California with jordan's family and we had a lot of fun. We went to six flags and had a blast. It was terrifying and I am glad that I made it out of there alive.

Everyone at Six Flags
Tripp on his first Train ride
Tripp taking dad for a ride.

Spencer, Kate, Tripp and Me.
Tripp and Dad
The whole Knaras Family on the beach

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


This last week all of us girls and mom packed up our 3 babies, 3 strollers, 3 car seats, 3 diaper bags and lots of luggage to go see grandma. You should have seen how terrified people looked as we were boarding the airplane. Oh!! It was so funny. But they all did so good, did not make a peep. You have no idea how hard it is to fit all of us and our stuff in one car. We had so much fun bringing all of the babies to meet grandma ray for the first time. She doesn't live in a very big town there was not much to do. But we all had such a good time. It was just so nice to be with my sisters, my mom and my sweet sweet grandma. I just love her to death, and cant wait to go and see her again.

My cute Mom and Grandma
Grandma with all the babies
I love this one grandma is so sweet and Tripp is pinching brooklyn's cheek. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


We just had Tripp's 6 month pictures done. They were so fun and I am so happy the way they turned out. I know I put a ton of pictures on here but I could not choose he is just so stinkin cute.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

6 Months Old!

I am just laying here with Tripp watching him sleep and I am kind of sad at how fast it is all going by. He is now 6 months old, well in a couple of days and I can hardly believe it.I cant believe that I have had him for half of a year and in another half he is going to be one.Life is so busy that I am scared I am not catching every little thing. I want to remember it all. I love to watch him sleep. He is so peaceful looking. He is perfect. He is getting so wiggly he is constantly wanting to move. He doesn't want to be held like a baby anymore and just doesn't want to sit still. He sits and rolls all over the place. It is so fun to watch him try to do things. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love the way he looks at me, I know he loves me and depends on everything I do. We are home pretty much everyday. We play, go for walks and read stories. His smile is so big and contagious. It always makes me so happy to wake up to that little smiling face. Right now he is grabbing at everything, especially food. He wants to put everything in his mouth. He grabs my face and puts his face in mine and I like to pretend he is hugging me. He has started to do this angry grunt thing it is really loud and so funny his face turns red and he just looks mad it is so adorable. His hair is getting so long, it stands up all over his head. I love when he sits in his high chair and one by one he throws all his toys off watching them fall to the ground. I love the way he will look at me and play with my face and hair. I love that he is so happy and just wants to smile and laugh at anything. Sometimes he will just laugh at the silliest things and you can tell it is a forced laugh. He will sit in the back of the car by himself and just talk and laugh. It is so fun to listen to. I love that since he was tiny, when he cries it sounds like he is saying mama. I love that in the middle of the night he will cry and the second I pick him up he stops crying. He just wants to snuggle. I love his tiny little baby nose, his big dark thick eye brows, his long lashes, his beautiful blue sparkly big eyes, his big chubby cheeks, his forehead that is a signature copy straight from his dad and that cute little mouth that is constantly wanting to be sucking on his binkie. I love his chubby little fingers I love when he is sleepy he will rub his eyes till they turn red. I love when he gets into a deep sleep and he will start to spit his binkie out and it will hang half way out of his mouth. I love the drewl that is constantly dripping down his chin and getting his shirt all wet.I love how excited he gets for his baba his face turns all splotchy red. I love his chubby little fingers holding that bottle with the tips of his fingers turning white because he is holding it so tight. I love when something scares him and he will look at me before he starts to cry like am I ok. I love loving him this much and wanting to do everything with him and for him. It is such a great feeling. I love all the time we spend together and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He is only getting bigger and I don't want to miss a thing. I love my little Tripp, my husband and my Life. Life is great and I am grateful.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BBQ Chicken Salad

There is this salad that Jordan and I both love from zupas. So I wanted to try it out. It is really easy to make and we both think it tastes the same.Try it out it is really good.
romaine lettuce
grilled chicken-cubed
red onion-chopped
black olives-sliced
black beans
tortilla strips
bbq sauce
homemade ranch
You just put all the ingredients on the lettuce and drizzle the bbq sauce over the salad and serve with ranch dressing.Yum Yum!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lake Powell

We went to Lake Powell with the Knaras Fam. We had so much fun. Tripp had a blast, he loved the warm water. We can't wait to go back.