Saturday, March 26, 2011


Tripp was watching the disney channel the other day and they had Jennifer garner read this peom. I almost cried it is so sweet. So I thought I would share

Mother's Song

a Traditional Lullaby

(read by Jennifer Garner)

My heart is like a fountain true

That flows and flows with love to you.

As chirps the lark unto the tree

...So chirps my pretty babe to me.

There's not a rose where'er I seek,

As comely as my baby's cheek.

There's not a comb of honey-bee,

So full of sweets as babe to me.

There's not a star that shines on high,

Is brighter than my baby's eye.

There's not a boat upon the sea,

Can dance as baby does to me.

No silk was ever spun so fine

As is the hair of baby mine.

My baby smells more sweet to me

Than smells in spring the elder tree.

A little fish swims in the well,

So in my heart does baby dwell.

A little flower blows on the tree,

My baby is the flower to me.


  1. Made me it. So fun to see all you girls yesterday. Some of my favorites ever. I want to sign up for a fashion/make-up/hair advice session from all of you. Haha! Seriously, though.

  2. I love Bambi and this is just so sweet!
