Monday, February 21, 2011

Tripp is ONE!!

One year ago today I fell in love with this little guy. I can not believe how fast it has gone by, but yet I can't remember life with out him. We are so grateful for our little snuggle bug he is the light of our lives and we love him so much. Happy First Birthday Tripp!!! We love you more than you'll ever know.

Then: February 23 2010
and now: February 17 2011


  1. Check out that hair! SO CUTE! happy birthday Tripp! :)

  2. How cute! I can't believe that is has been a year!! I remember the first time I held you little tripp man! You had so much personality from the start! We love you and are so blessed to have you and your adorable personality apart of our fam!! Love you guys!

  3. He is so stinkin cute! Happy Birthday Tripp!
