Well hello, I haven't updated my blog in forever and thought while Tripp is taking a nap I might as well do so. It seems like a lot of stuff has been going on with us we have had a ton of fun the past couple of months we have been of fun vacation's, spent tons of time swimming, boating,playing outside and spent lots of time with family. Tripp is just growing up way to fast he has lost that baby look and is now a toddler. He is so much fun he has the funniest little personality he is a such a sweet heart. He is a mama's boy and I love it. We have so much fun together, some of our funnest days are spent at home playing around we read book's and turn up music real loud and dance around the house he stomps his feet to the music and bob's his head while he looks up at me in amusement. He is so full of life and is generally a very happy little boy. He hasn't been feeling all that well this last week and it breaks my heart I don't like to see him so sad. He has been getting fevers every 3 weeks for about four months now and he was diagnosed with pfapa which is fancy for periodic fevers it is not contagious and nothing scary just uncomfortable for the little guy. I just love him so much he is my life. I love my little family so much and am so grateful for them. Here is an update on what we have been up to.

Tripp on Easter Sunday
Took a trip to St. George for jord's family reunion.
Sar and I ran our first half marathon. We did it in 2 hours 20 mins. Not super fast but we never stopped running, so we were pretty proud of ourselves. I am going to miss my running partner :(

My brother Tyler joined the AirForce and left for training in Texas on the 28th of June.
It was really hard for me to see him go, he has always been my best friend and things will never be the same and it kills me. Him and Jordan has been best friends since High School so it has been really hard for Jord as well. I am so proud of him and Sar for what they are doing for all of us. It is not easy for either of them, they miss each other like crazy. He graduates the 25th of August and I can hardly wait to see him. I love you Ty and miss you everyday.
You are my HERO!!
We celebrated our 5th Anniversary! I can't believe how fast it has gone. I am so grateful to married to my best friend. He is such an amazing man, husband and father. I love him with all my heart. I can't wait to have many more amazing years together.
4th of July parade. (Calvin, Brooke, Tripp and Sloane)
We spent an entire week in Lake Powell 3 days with Jord's Fam and 3 with mine. We had a blast. Tripp loved the water and playing on the beach. He slept for about 2 day's straight when we got home he was so exhausted.
See ya later Alligator!
seriously its about time you posted some pictures! Tripp is getting big so fast!